Our partners
The Association of Educational Services "OpenEurope" is a non-for -profit organisation with the main office in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) that aims to help young people and adults who work in youth related sectors participate in European programs.All projects and initiatives of our organisation aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in carrying on projects and programs that seek a life-long learning process. Our programs are designed to develop the participants' communication, leadership and occupational skills. Moreover, we pay special attention to increasing non-governmental organisations' capacities as well as those of the volunteers working to solve social problems. We help to involve all the members of the community in our projects and activities, especially those related to civil responsibility, immigration, technology at service of people or smart cities.
Agrupamento de Escolas do Barreiro (AEB) is a public-school cluster that integrates pre-school education, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic education, and Adult Education. It is also the headquarters of a centre for teacher professional development named Centro de Formaçăo de Escolas dos Concelhos do Barreiro e Moita (CFECBM).
CFECBM integrates 13 schools’ clusters.
The AEB/CFECBM developed and implemented the internationalization process of the Teacher Professional Development Centre, which covers the needs of 1800 teachers.
AEB and CFECBM are 2 institutions in one and work together in Erasmus projects.
AEB Cluster has 1135 students, with ages ranging from 5 to 15. It has 100 teachers and 60 nonteaching members of staff. AEB/CFECBM has good infrastructures, ICT classrooms, library, projectors in every workplace, as well as a Future Classroom Lab to support the development of European projects.
Eurosuccess Consulting is a Consulting and Training organization active in the field of project management, training & education and consulting services. Through a dynamic team of young scientists, it provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of various target groups and organizations, regarding their lifelong learning opportunities, in Cyprus and abroad.
Eurosuccess Consulting has been involved in more than eighty (80) Lifelong Learning, ERASMUS+, JUSTICE EU programmes, as well as National funded research Programmes (Research and Innovation Foundation) – in five of them as the coordinator. Eurosuccess Consulting has broad experience in the development of training and educational solutions (traditional training material, e-learning solutions and ICT tools for skills assessment). In addition, the organisation is active in various sectors: Vocational, Youth, Adults and School Education, and supports the development of various social groups, including vulnerable groups of the society such as people coming from the NEET group, prisoners and ex-offenders.
Furthermore, Eurosuccess Consulting is an accredited VET Center by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards training and education, as well as by the Aristotle Certification Training & Assessment (AcTA). Also, Eurosuccess is a member of the followings associations and fora: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), European Network of Innovation for Inclusion, and European Working Group of Innovation Consultants.
GeoCamp Iceland is a private educational institution founded in 2009 with the goal to advance and develop STEM education in Iceland as well as to host international student and teacher groups. Annually between 400-500 students and teachers attend courses at GeoCamp, ranging from secondary schools to university students, as well as from international and national teacher's associations. GeoCamp has two employess, but works closely with regional and national educational and research institutions. GeoCamp is an active member of the European Geopark's Network.
GeoCamp Iceland centers around STEM development with primary focus on developing educational material as well as participation in international development projects. We are an educational project dedicated to increasing knowledge and understanding in natural sciences with practical and active learning. GeoCamp develops educational content, student and teacher guides and curricula, organize and receive international study groups of secondary school, college and university students, as well as teacher groups focusing primarily on focusing primarily on STEM education including geology, geography, natural sciences, climate change and renewable energy.
Furthermore GeoCamp Iceland participates in regional, national and international educational projects, research development and training oportunities, with primary focus on developing teacher and student curricula and training material for outdoor science education and STEM
NEFINIA, a Dutch innovative consultancy and training company, founded in 2007, continuously offering an increasing range of added value products, services, solutions, best practices, commercial business developments, promotion of entrepreneurship and education for everyone. NEFINIA aims at serving as a best example of bottom up Institution Building effort towards EU Integration and regional competitiveness, playing a key role, contributing in the implementation of EU Regulations and Directives through its participation in EU funded networks & projects, at inter-regional level. Mainstreaming EU project recommendations into National & Regional policies is its ultimate goal.
NEFINIA consists of experienced staff with excellent competences compatible with the nature and needs of the fields Vocational / Adult training, Skill assessing & Getting qualified, Project Management, Methodological analysis & Understanding research, ICT toolkits & Entrepreneurial consultation (Start-ups), Customized high-end tech solutions for mainstream curricula, Gamified solutions and educational materials for groups, New Technologies and more.
NEFINIA is a member of the European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET).
Polygonal is a community organisation focused on education for social change. We are a group of passionate people about digital education and development, environmental actions and civic activism. We run the local public library of our municipality, a small village just one hour drive south of Rome, where we also have coding laboratories for children and we support digital literacy of adults. In particular, in our coding classes we upcycle materials to make the pawns that move on the coding board, and that is why we are so excited about this project!
In the public library, we also run twice a week an info point dedicated to young people and disadvantaged groups to give information and practically deal with everyday issues in e-government or any other possible orientation. We provide free courses on fundraising, association management, digital skills, social media and marketing and much more on our online platform.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, recognised Reykjanes as a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2015. UNESCO Global Geoparks are areas where sites and landscapes that are of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.
A UNESCO Global Geopark uses its geological heritage, in connection with all other aspects of the area’s natural and cultural heritage, to enhance awareness and understanding of key issues facing society, such as using our earth’s resources sustainably, mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing natural disasters-related risks.
Reykjanes UNESCO Global Geopark, moreover, works across frontiers and is a member of a large international contact network through the European Geoparks Network and the Global Geoparks Network.
The village of Jaślików is a picturesque village located in the Krasnystaw commune. Colorful fields full of cereals and herbs are visible in the landscape. It is a typically agricultural region where wheat, herbs, fruit and vegetables are grown. There are also great forests and the "Wodny Dół" Nature Reserve, which is a beautiful and peaceful place for resting in the nature area.
Primary School in Jaślików has 100 students aged 6-15 and about 40 children in kindergarten and nursery. They study a wide range of subjects that go from Science to Biology and Maths, from Foreign Languages ( English and German) to Polish, PE, Art, Music. Even the youngest kids in the kindergarten play in English. The teachers try to guide their students towards healthy lifestyle, ecology and new technologies. In school there are many internal as well as all-Poland actions focused on promoting healthy life, being eco and ICT skills. There are many attractions for students, from healthy snacks to aerobics, quizzes, dancing classes, games and workshops. Our school tries to take part in local sports competitions, and nation- wide projects related to the principles of rational nutrition and sustainable development in general and eco projects to improve environmental issues. Our students also take part in robotics and programming projects. Workshops held at our school for children are an opportunity to learn new skills and learn the basic concepts related to robotics, automation, computer science. During the lessons teachers use different methods and activities to increase students’ motivation to learn.
School took part in Erasmus+ projects KA1- Mobility of educational Staff (years 2014-2019).
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